All functionality related to Google Cloud Platform
Vertex AI
Access PaLM LLMs like text-bison
and code-bison
via Google Cloud.
import { GoogleVertexAI } from "langchain/llms/googlevertexai";
Model Garden
Access PaLM and hundreds of OSS models via Vertex AI Model Garden.
import { GoogleVertexAI } from "langchain/llms/googlevertexai";
Chat models
Vertex AI
Access PaLM chat models like chat-bison
and codechat-bison
via Google Cloud.
import { ChatGoogleVertexAI } from "langchain/chat_models/googlevertexai";
Vector Store
Vertex AI Vector Search
Vertex AI Vector Search, formerly known as Vertex AI Matching Engine, provides the industry's leading high-scale low latency vector database. These vector databases are commonly referred to as vector similarity-matching or an approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) service.
import { MatchingEngine } from "langchain/vectorstores/googlevertexai";
Google Search
- Set up a Custom Search Engine, following these instructions
- Get an API Key and Custom Search Engine ID from the previous step, and set them as environment variables
There exists a GoogleCustomSearch
utility which wraps this API. To import this utility:
import { GoogleCustomSearch } from "langchain/tools";
We can easily load this wrapper as a Tool (to use with an Agent). We can do this with:
const tools = [new GoogleCustomSearch({})];
// Pass this variable into your agent.