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Only available on Node.js.

Apache Cassandraยฎ is a NoSQL, row-oriented, highly scalable and highly available database.

The latest version of Apache Cassandra natively supports Vector Similarity Search.


  1. Create an Astra DB account.
  2. Create a vector enabled database.
  3. Download your secure connect bundle and application token on your database's "Connect" tab.
  4. Set up the following env vars:
  1. Install the Cassandra Node.js driver.
npm install cassandra-driver

Indexing docsโ€‹

import { CassandraStore } from "langchain/vectorstores/cassandra";
import { OpenAIEmbeddings } from "langchain/embeddings/openai";

const config = {
cloud: {
secureConnectBundle: process.env.CASSANDRA_SCB as string,
credentials: {
username: "token",
password: process.env.CASSANDRA_TOKEN as string,
keyspace: "test",
dimensions: 1536,
table: "test",
indices: [{ name: "name", value: "(name)" }],
primaryKey: {
name: "id",
type: "int",
metadataColumns: [
name: "name",
type: "text",

const vectorStore = await CassandraStore.fromTexts(
["I am blue", "Green yellow purple", "Hello there hello"],
{ id: 2, name: "2" },
{ id: 1, name: "1" },
{ id: 3, name: "3" },
new OpenAIEmbeddings(),

Querying docsโ€‹

const results = await vectorStore.similaritySearch("Green yellow purple", 1);

or filtered query:

const results = await vectorStore.similaritySearch("B", 1, { name: "Bubba" });

Vector Typesโ€‹

Cassandra supports cosine (the default), dot_product, and euclidean similarity search; this is defined when the vector store is first created, and specifed in the constructor parameter vectorType, for example:

vectorType: "dot_product",

Non-Equality Filtersโ€‹

By default, filters are applied with an equality =. For those fields that have an indices entry, you may provide an operator with a string of a value supported by the index; in this case, you specify one or more filters, as either a singleton or in a list (which will be AND-ed together). For example:

   { name: "create_datetime", operator: ">", value: some_datetime_variable }


{ userid: userid_variable },
{ name: "create_datetime", operator: ">", value: some_date_variable },

Data Partitioning and Composite Keysโ€‹

In some systems, you may wish to partition the data for various reasons, perhaps by user or by session. Data in Cassandra is always partitioned; by default this library will partition by the first primary key field. You may specify multiple columns which comprise the primary (unique) key of a record, and optionally indicate those fields which should be part of the partition key. For example, the vector store could be partitioned by both userid and collectionid, with additional fields docid and docpart making an individual entry unique:

primaryKey: [
{name: "userid", type: "text", partition: true},
{name: "collectionid", type: "text", partition: true},
{name: "docid", type: "text"},
{name: "docpart", type: "int"},

When searching, you may include partition keys on the filter without defining indices for these columns; you do not need to specify all partition keys, but must specify those in the key first. In the above example, you could specify a filter of {userid: userid_variable} and {userid: userid_variable, collectionid: collectionid_variable}, but if you wanted to specify a filter of only {collectionid: collectionid_variable} you would have to include collectionid on the indices list.

Additional Configuration Optionsโ€‹

In the configuration document, further optional parameters are provided; their defaults are:

indices: [],
maxConcurrency: 25,
batchSize: 1,
withClause: "",
indicesOptional, but required if using filtered queries on non-partition columns. Each metadata column (e.g. <metadata_filter_column>) to be indexed should appear as an entry in a list, in the format [{name: "<metadata_filter_column>", value: "(<metadata_filter_column>)"}].
maxConcurrencyHow many concurrent requests will be sent to Cassandra at a given time.
batchSizeHow many documents will be sent on a single request to Cassandra. When using a value > 1, you should ensure your batch size will not exceed the Cassandra parameter batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb. Batches are unlogged.
withClauseCassandra tables may be created with an optional WITH clause; this is generally not needed but provided for completeness.